Unit Activities

Iron Bear
Once a year, our NJROTC unit participates in a physical fitness competition against those from other schools. There are dry events, as well as water events like Fire Hose, obstacle courses, and much more.
Parris Island
Our NJROTC unit takes an orientation trip to Parris Island, South Carolina every year. Cadets participating stay in barracks on the Marine Corps base. They see a preview of what life as a Marine is.

Our NJROTC unit is given the opportunity to participate on the yearly orientation trip to Jacksonville, FL.
Commanders Cup
Every year all the cadets in NJROTC gather for our own friendly competition. Every class period competes against the others in drill, personnel inspection, PT, and academics.

Annual Military Inspection
Once a year, the entire NJROTC unit forms for inspection to be inspected by our Area 7 Manager.
Military Ball
The NJROTC military ball is the social highlight of the year. This an exciting time for the whole unit to come together for a dinner and dance. This is a semi-formal event once a year that all cadets can attend. Male cadets dress in formal uniforms and female cadets may wear a formal dress. Also the Military Ball may also have unique ceremonies including posting of the colors, a POW/MIA ceremony, toast, an honor guard and guest speaker.

Platoon Leadership Camp
Every year our instructors and current platoon leaders choose a handful of cadets that have shown motivation, aptitude, and leadership from each class period and put them to the task to learn the requirements to become a platoon leader for their upcoming year. This is a three day event during the summer vacation.
Leadership Academy
Every year a handful of cadets are selected to attend Leadership Academy in St. Petersburg, FL. This consists of a week of vigorous training physically and mentally. It teaches cadets military discipline and how to be an outstanding leader for the cadets in their unit, as well as leaders in the real world.